Robert Marchant.
Senior Partner
Robert read law at Exeter University, and took first class honours in his professional exams. He was among the top 2% of candidates in his year. He was articled to Barlow Lyde & Gilbert in the City, and has been with J Garrard & Allen since he qualified in 1987.
He has more than 35 years’ experience of commercial property dealing and development, and acts as general adviser to a number of landed estates and wealthy families.
His specialities are:-
- High value and complex property transactions
- Family wealth and succession planning, with particular reference to landed estates and farms, and the impact of Inheritance Tax
His aims are to:-
- Give sound practical and commercial advice, as well as legal theory
- Get deals done quickly
- Keep documents short and comprehensible
- Develop a thorough understanding of his clients’ business, rather than take each case in isolation